Let This Message Not Become Cliche
Friday, September 30th, 2011
Thank you, Maria from St. Petersburg ~ YouTube Channel mmarishkaa1
Thank you, Maria from St. Petersburg ~ YouTube Channel mmarishkaa1
When Michael Jackson was living out his first decade of life in Gary, Indiana, young people were being introduced to prehistoric and space-age inventions, delivered on after-school TV. In the early 1960′s, long after the dinosaurs morphed into buffaloes, and well before Neil Armstrong thrilled the world with the first real moonwalk, The Flintstones emerged from their cave. Being a future back-to-the-lander, I was intrigued by Fred and Wilma, who were parents of a Stone Age family. They were a perfect “down-to-earth” model of Mom and Dad. They were more fascinating than Beaver Cleaver’s parents, but whether they were more primitive than Ralph and Alice Kramden on Jackie Gleason’s, The Honeymooners is debatable.
My guess is that young Michael Jackson was more likely impressed with the space-age ideas and robotic movements of The Jetson’s. I can imagine his little frame practicing robot moves early on.
33 second robot/mime in private home studio
The Jetsons launched on the tail of The Flintstones, and according to Wikipedia, “at the time of its debut, it was the first program ever to be broadcast in color on ABC-TV…While the Flintstone family lived in a world with machines powered by birds and dinosaurs, the Jetsons lived in a futuristic utopia in the year 2062 of elaborate robotic contraptions, aliens, holograms, and whimsical inventions.” The Jetsons presented an exciting, imaginative vision of the future…a future not exactly of this world, but one waiting to unfold. I used to imagine that by the time I had children of my own, we might
benefit from the services of a humanoid robot-maid like “Rosie” who the Jetson family acquired as a discounted floor model. Over the decades following my after-school education in TV-Land, I have, in fact, witnessed the Jetson family’s lifestyle coming to life before my eyes.
While The Flintstones juxtaposed modern antiseptic reality with prehistoric dinosaur culture using bones for kitchen utensils, The Jetsons offered fuel for a child’s imagination that someday Earthlings could meet Martians, or at least we might exercise on running treadmill belts, or share face-to-face communication through a TV-like screen while talking on the telephone. These animations gave youngsters food for thought about the modern 1960′s culture outside the boob tube. I feel certain that Michael Jackson was influenced like the rest of us.
Michael was less than 5 years old when The Flintstones and The Jetsons first aired, so he was likely exposed to reruns. Keep in mind, this was before UFO was a household word, and before the likes of E.T. and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, not-to-mention Star Wars. Since the topic of this post is related to robots, and I have already illustrated the notion that robots in Michael’s day were a pretty far-out concept, let’s explore robotic moves in dance.
The history of Robot dancing spans over a period of about 60 years through an evolution of jazz moves into funk and rock inspired by Elvis’ loose legs and knee-knocks and Chubby Checker’s Twist. In the late 60′s and early 70′s Michael would have been profoundly influenced by the newly developing street-dance form called “Locking” or “Campbellocking” that started with improvisational steps called locks created by Don Campbell in the nightclubs of Los Angeles, and on the streets of Watts in LA. Campbell organized a group called, “The Lockers” which became one of the most dynamic, influential groups in the history of street-dancing. It has been said that these West Coast underground dance masters changed the world forever. Locking, and it’s subculture where modern rap finds it’s roots, became the rage of the new Afro American owned television dance show called Soul Train. A dancer named Charles “Robot” Washington was an original member of “the Soul Train Gang.”
He had developed the robot moves which fourteen year old Michael and his brothers, as The Jackson 5, popularized by their appearances on Soul Train. No doubt Michael developed relationships with many of the accomplished Soul Train dancers, thereby honing and further refining his skills.
MJ has been mesmerizing his audiences with robotic moves since his teen years in the early 1970′s. The biggest contribution the Jackson5 made to choreography began when innovative Michael started making what has become his signature “robot” moves. While singing “Dancing Machine” in 1973 on Soul Train, Michael greatly popularized this dance technique, which catalyzed a whole new era of dance, and eventually led to hip-hop, popping, break-dancing and countless sub-genres.
Play videos simultaneously with the LEFT video sound OFF
Michael continued to expand and refine these moves, eventually incorporating them with mime.
Everybody knows, or ought to know, that nobody’ll ever do it like “THE MAN”, but there sure are a LOT of people who enjoy trying. MJ used to take great delight in watching people imitate him, just like his mentors were honored by Michael glorifying their innovations.
“I’ve always loved to dance. When I was just real little I used to watch Sammy Davis, Fred Astaire, James Brown… and just dancing about the house.” ~Michael Jackson
Michael learned a lot from the greats who paved the way before him. He worked diligently to expand on their unique styles.
“I don’t wanna be just another can in the assembly line, you know? I want to, you know… create. Do something that’s totally different and unusual.” ~Michael Jackson
Marcel Marceau and Charlie Chaplin are also major inspirations behind Michael’s robot moves. Their influence surely lit a fire under his dancing feet.
These short clips are power-packed:
“The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work.” ~Michael Jackson
Marcel Marceau with Michael in NYC 1995
“And my goal in life is to give to the world what I was lucky to receive: the ecstasy of divine union through my music and my dance.” ~Michael Jackson
Marcel Marceau’s influence on Michael’s dance
“You can’t teach that, you can’t teach it. It has to come from inside. It’s a gift.” ~Michael Jackson
Live in Copenhagen–GREAT robot moves
“That’s what drives me. It’s the medium, it’s the art. I love it. And that’s the world I’m most comfortable in.” ~Michael Jackson
Various innovative dance moves
“I don’t know if it’s the psychology, whatever or what. I just love working hard on something, putting it together, sweating over it and sharing it with people and having them love it. And I always pray that they like it. And that’s what give me great satisfaction as an artist.” ~Michael Jackson
Little Mike joined the ranks with the great dance masters very early on.
“I was a veteran, before I was a teenager.” ~Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson was cautioned by the elders of his childhood church about the pitfalls and difficulties of fame and notoriety. According to many interviews and reports by those who knew Michael well, he conscientiously strove to uphold honorable behavior throughout his private and public life. I can only imagine how undoubtedly difficult this must have been for him to wade through the mire of rampant criticism and sometimes harsh, unfounded ridicule which followed him like a stalking enemy for most of his adult life. Michael’s caricature generated bundles of greenbacks for greedy gremlins and mean, media moguls at the expense of his reputation and dignity.
When Michael went on the BAD World Tour in 1987, he agreed to answer one question from PEOPLE magazine journalist Todd Gold. Todd asked Michael what misconceptions the public had of him.
Michael Jackson gave this written reply:
“Like the old Indian proverb says, Do not judge a man until you’ve walked two moons in his moccasins. Most people don’t know me, that is why they write such things in which most is not true. I cry very, very often because it hurts, and I worry about the children, all my children all over the world, I live for them. If a man could say nothing against a character but what he can prove, his story could not be written. Animals strike not from malice, but because they want to live, it is the same with those who criticize, they desire our blood, not our pain. But still I must achieve. I must seek Truth in all things. I must endure for the power I was sent forth, for the world, for the children. But have mercy, for I’ve been bleeding a long time now. MJ.“
Go back in time to the early 1980′s when Michael was in his young 20′s, just embarking on his solo career. This is when he discovered his inherited skin disease called vitiligo, which ultimately resulted in the complete loss of pigmentation over his entire body. I can imagine it took much humility and courage to accept his rapidly changing appearance. This would be especially difficult for an entertainer with naturally dark skin, whose career hinged around being admired by millions of people around the world. Michael was a very private man, so he kept this condition under wraps, figuratively and literally.
Now, let’s fast forward a few years to 1984 when Michael’s hair caught on fire while filming the infamous Pepsi commercial when the pyrotechnics malfunctioned. Several surgeries and skin grafts were needed to treat the severe burns to his scalp . This resulted in permanent hair loss and scarring that would force Michael to wear wigs for the rest of his life. More humility and more demands for acceptance challenged him. This photograph was taken in the ambulance with bandage on his head, and trademark, sequined white glove, which he initially began wearing on the right hand to cover up his blotchy, fading skin.
In his early autobiography, Moonwalk, he described the accident, “…bombs went off on either side of my head, and the sparks set my hair on fire. I was dancing down this ramp and turning around, spinning, not knowing I was on fire. Suddenly I felt my hands reflexively go to my head in an attempt to smother the flames.”
Michael was an extraordinary warrior of L.O.V.E.
Twila Paris’ song, The Warrior Is A Child, is sung in this video by Gary Valenciano.
The lyrics remind me of Michael Jackson.
Initially Twila said she considered that this song would be just for her. She felt it was “too depressing” and that “everyone is going to misunderstand it, and they’re not going to like it.” It became a famous classic, crossing over into other music genres.
The Warrior Is A Child ~written by Twila Paris
Lately I’ve been winning battles left and right
But even winners can get wounded in the fight
People say that I’m amazing
Strong beyond my years
But they don’t see inside of me
I’m hiding all the tears
They don’t know that I go running home when I fall down
They don’t know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and cry for just a while
‘Cause deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child
Unafraid because His armor is the best
But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest
People say that I’m amazing
Never face retreat
But they don’t see the enemies
That lay me at His feet
They don’t know that I go running home when I fall down
They don’t know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and and cry for just a while
‘Cause deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child
They don’t know that I go running home when I fall down
They don’t know who picks me up when no one is around
I drop my sword and look up for a smile
‘Cause deep inside this armor
Deep inside this armor
Deep inside this armor
The warrior is a child
It is encouraging to me that factual information continues to come forth, by way of books, interviews, articles and videos, created by people who knew Michael intimately throughout his entire life, in both personal and professional capacities. He was a profoundly simple man. He was as simple as he was creative, which implies a huge, almost unfathomable, degree of simplicity.
Videos, such as the one below, serve to promote Michael’s legacy by exposing the hypocrisy, and damage to his reputation, generated by unethical people who call themselves journalists, but who, in fact, are driven by greed, and a voracious appetite for recognition, money and ratings.
I am fed up with coercive media marketing sold under the name of “journalism.” It is ruining people’s minds and hearts like poison ruins the body.
There is no doubt, based on endless evidence throughout his entire life, that Michael Joseph Jackson was a loving, conscious, intentional, sincere, sensitive and deeply spiritual human being.
I encourage people who have even just a minimal interest in learning about who this brilliant man truly was, to base their search on factual TRUTHS, rather than getting caught in the pervasive web of lies and sensationalized, fictitious conjecture about the mysterious and weird caricature that haunted Michael throughout much of his adult life.
The following sentiments could have been written by myself because every word rings true within my mind and heart. In fact, these words were expressed by Linda Higgins, Director of Community Development at the Michael Jackson Tribute Portrait. The excerpts below were taken from her article titled, A Star is Born – Michael Jackson. You may read Linda’s full article by clicking HERE.
“A star is a person who shines so brightly, who gives their gifts so fully, who loves so completely that everyone is drawn by the light of this star to find the way home.” ~Chuck Spezzano, If It Hurts It Isn’t Love
“When someone purposely inflicts hate upon another person by attacking the integrity of their character, they are doing a huge disservice to humanity. Not only is the person on the receiving end of the hatred being negatively affected, so is the person doing the hating, because when you treat another person in a hateful way, you learn you are a hateful person. When you invite others to share in that hatred, you are teaching them that they are a hateful person as well.
“Michael Jackson was the most famous person on the planet, known in every country in the world and millions of people were invited to bring hate into their minds regarding him. Many lies were written about him. Name calling, ridicule and judgment were usually the norm when people talked about him. Some even went as far as inviting their audiences to laugh at his expense.
“The hate inflicted upon him (and therefore humanity) was so prevalent and widely accepted, that publishers wouldn’t even consider publishing books about him unless they were negative! If that’s not a sign that something is wrong with our world, I don’t know what is.
“It took Michael’s death for me to realize that I can no longer sit back and tolerate a society with no heart, one in which a lack of compassion allowed the inhumane treatment of another human being. His death was a wake-up call for humanity, showing us what we must do in order to make the world a better place; to change the world, we have to change the way we treat each other and that involves opening our hearts to love.
“I believe love is the creative force of the Universe. It is as important to life as oxygen is to breathing. When it is present in our lives we feel happier, more optimistic and fulfilled. Life becomes more meaningful. Without it, we become angry, cynical, resentful people, critical of ourselves and others, effectively squashing the greatness that exists in us, diminishing our own light. Yet, ironically, that’s all Michael wanted to do for the world, bring a little bit of light into it.
“I would like to be remembered as a person who came and brought light to the world.” ~Michael Jackson.
“By definition of the quote at the top of this article, Michael is a star. He gave his gifts so fully and loved so completely that people all over the world were, and still are drawn to him, and he can definitely help us find the way home.”