Biased media journalism, coercive persuasion on the unwitting public and subtly deceptive marketing ploys make me wanna scream!
Today my son emailed me a Billboard Magazine link to what he called a “silly MJ animation.” I am somewhat sorry that I clicked on the video because it gave Billboard Magazine a little bit of coin… which they don’t deserve a penny of!
The “silly animation” turned out to be another example of the type of tabloid trash and media exploitation which Michael was subjected to for many, many years of his life. It makes my heart ache that greedy people target innocent people with such crass insensitivity just to make a buck. Unfortunately, it sells. They couldn’t get away with it if it didn’t. It sells to people who buy into the smug attitude which is actually the antithesis of what Michael himself believed in, and tried to promote. Michael Jackson’s humanitarian efforts were herculean, to say the least.
Perhaps I spoke too soon when I said, “They couldn’t get away with it if it didn’t [sell].” Well, as current events proves, this isn’t always true. Recently the influential media mogul, Rupert Murdoch, was recently exposed in the United Kingdom for deceptive journalism practices.“…he’s not afraid to use his media properties as weapons to further his vast -– and politically connected –- empire,” the LA Times reported a few days ago. “In the United States, Murdoch has not hesitated to use his media holdings to advance the company’s business agenda. Case in point is the battle News Corp. waged against Nielsen, the company which provides television ratings used to sell advertising on cable and broadcast outlets, including those owned by Murdoch such as Fox News, FX, Fox, and local TV stations including KTTV in Los Angeles.” Full LA Times article HERE.
Barabara Kauffmann, founder of the Voices Education Project questions, “What social value is there in 7 inch headlines designed to bypass the brain and critical thinking, screaming labels like “freak,” “naked,” “evil,” fat,” “bizarre,” “gay,” “scandal” with an accompanying photo of someone now dragged to a public platform for dismemberment and humiliation? It both numbs and dumbs. What is heroic about clever linguistics and innuendo that plants labels or suggestions in people’s minds with “sources tell me” when there are no “sources”? What is honest about printing half truths or lies front page and later, a retraction in small print on the back page? Sensationalism doesn’t sell you news; it sells newspapers.” Read Kauffmann’s recent article about tabloid journalism at the Huffington Post HERE.
Billboard Magazine’s type of marketing made Michael want to SCREAM! His fans were thrilled when he turned his frustration into a huge hit. In retaliation to the media’s mean-spirited response to the false child molestation allegations hurled at him in 1993, Michael, with his successful sister Janet, produced his acclaimed song and music video, Scream.
“..well received amongst critics, it [the song, Scream] has been compared favorably to other accomplished pieces by Jackson. It went on to be nominated for a Grammy Award and an American Music Award. The corresponding music video remains one of Jackson’s most critically acclaimed pieces; it won numerous MTV Video Music Awards and a Grammy. At a cost of $ 7 million, it was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most expensive music video ever made.” ~Wikipedia
Scream lyrics with music YouTube channel: GigaAkalan
ScreamWritten by Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, James Harris and Terry LewisTired of injusticeTired of the schemesThese lies are disgustin’So what does this mean? (Daddy)Kicking me down I got to get upAs jacked as it soundsThe whole system sucks (Daddy it) Peek in the shadowCome into the lightYou tell me I’m wrongThen you better prove you’re rightYou’re sellin out souls butI care about mineI’ve got to get strongerAnd I won’t give up the fightWith such confusions don’t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin victimize within the schemeYou try to cope with every lie they scrutinizeSomebody please have mercyCause I just can’t take itStop pressurin meJust stop pressurin meStop pressurin meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin meJust stop pressurin meStop pressurin meMake you just wanna screamTired of you tellin the story your wayYou’re causin’ confusionYou think it’s okay (damn it!)You keep changin’ the rulesWhile I keep playin’ the gameI can’t take it much longerI think I might go insaneWith such confusion don’t it make you wanna screamYour bash abusin victimize within the schemeYou find your pleasure scandalizin every lieOh father, please have mercy cause I just can’t take it Stop pressurin meJust stop pressurin meStop pressurin meMake me wanna screamStop pressurin meJust stop pressurin meStop fuckin with meMake me wanna scream“Oh my God, can’t believe what I sawAs I turned on the TV this eveningI was disgusted by all the injusticeAll the injustice”“All the injustice”(News Man)“A man has been brutally beaten to death byPolice after being wrongly identified as arobbery suspect. The man wasan 18 year old black male…”
With such collusions don’t it make you wanna scream
Your bash abusin’ victimize within the scheme
You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize
Oh brother please have mercy ‘Cause I just can’t take it
Stop pressurin me Just stop pressurin’ me
Stop pressurin me Makes me wanna scream
Stop pressurin me Just stop pressurin’ me
Stop pressurin me Makes me wanna scream
Stop pressurin me Just stop pressurin’ me
Stop pressurin me Makes me wanna scream
Stop pressurin me Just stop pressurin’ me
Stop pressurin me Makes me wanna scream
Michael Jackson fans have been forever mesmerized by his artistic alchemy. Michael’s magic defies the laws of time and space. That is why Michael Jackson will be remembered forever in the annals of art history, alongside all the Great Masters of artistic expression.
The quotes below describe the sincere and heartfelt reactions of some Michael fans, in appreciation for the exquisite beauty of his utterly captivating dance. Michael Jackson danced through each day of his entire life. His every movement was a fluid expression of profound human emotion. His energy was as ethereal as it was palpable. Michael enchanted audiences the world over with his uncanny ability to move music with his feet, to generate sweet sounds by the flowing wave of his hands and arms, and to speak sheer silence by simply standing still. His riveting dance forms and gestures penetrated deeply into the heart of millions, and there, magically ignited a contagious fire of L.O.V.E. whose flames have become his living legacy.
“I adore photos capturing his movements – instantaneous moments of such perfect alignment – incredible displays of power, passion and the fire in his soul – you can nearly feel the energy pulsing through every nerve in his body as he pushes out that rhythm…they’re just entirely captivating. These kinds of photos are when I can feel him best, when I can just see what moves him, what makes him…that drive that runs through his body and soul, his muscles tensed and poised, interpreting something so deep inside him he himself doesn’t even deign to understand it. In these photos he just IS. Poetry in motion.” ~MJM
“I always love the photos that capture that internal and external rhythm and see him in the moment is very moving..and I find myself looking at these and studying every single thing…feeling the anticipation myself almost, as if I was really there.” ~MMJ
“At the end of the day those moments are just so preciously magical and sincere – this is where he let loose and let passion take over without boundaries, and I cannot get enough of seeing all his body taut with rhythmical desire. Beautiful. ♥” ~MJM
“I’m mesmerized.” ~SM
“Michael’s dancing initially was the first medium I was captured by because I have always loved dancing, since I was a small child; watching and doing, though I never had the talent to become a professional. All the same, he captured me with his fluid grace and the exquisite sensuality of his movement and rhythm! His impeccable timing and amazing, beautiful grace!” ~SA
“Just as an artist takes a ‘paint brush to color’ to create a magnificent masterpiece, Michael made our spirits sore through the heavens and beyond with moves that left you breathless!” ~CK
“I don’t think a photo of Michael exists that I don’t fall even more in love with him than I am…my heart aches. ♥” ~MS
“A meditation in motion ♥ Utter truth, utter beauty, utter poetry in motion like none other. Brings me to my knees.” ~JMR
“Michael Jackson had a special relationship with the principles of Real Magic, the idea of “creating miracles in everyday life.” With his enormous musical talent, he created a body of work that brought joy to millions…he already had the magic—the power he needed to dream and create and give…I didn’t have to explain “real magic” to Michael because he was already a spiritual being, already kind, loving, and ready to use his musical gift to create miracles. Along with millions of people around the world, I say, thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing talent to lift our spirits. I’ll remember you as a beautiful human being with a heart as big as the sky.” ~Wayne Dyer, author
You will be missed by all your fans, I clench my fists, but this is so hard to withstand, If I had the power to change one thing, I’d bring you back today, But life’s not promised and that won’t change, I’m a meet you there some day
In this lifetime I wonna thank you, for showing me the man in the mirror In this lifetime I wonna thank you, you motivated the whole world to deliver We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you) There’s so much joy in our heart
Oh I wish, the world could see you the way I did, And I wish, they witnessed how a wonderful dad you were to all your kids, And I noticed it didn’t stop there, saving children was one of your goals, Just donating all of your millions, so they could one day rule the world
In this lifetime I wonna thank you, for showing me the man in the mirror In this lifetime I wonna thank you, you motivated the world to deliver We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you) There’s so much joy in our heart
One word for the media: please help the people see the love Stop this garbage you’re feeding us, show him for what he really was Remember there was more to come, remember he’s the chosen one Remember he’s the wisest one, remember him for what he’s done Remember him for what he’s done, remember him for what he’s done
In this lifetime I wonna thank you, for showing me the man in the mirror In this lifetime I wonna thank you, you motivated the world to deliver We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you)/We cry out of joy (for you) There’s so much joy in our heart
Rest in peace and harmony, Michael. I love you, man.
Thanks to LaurenMJlove for this inspirational tribute video
“I love Michael so much. I can’t even tell you how much.. He is my biggest inspiration. He makes me want to be a better person & want to help the world. Every single time I listen to one of his songs I just fall in love with him all over again. His voice is pure magic!! But I don’t just love Michael for his music. He had such a big heart and loved everyone and didn’t ask for any in return. He helped save children from all over the world and donated to tons of charities. I have so many reasons why I love this man that I don’t know if I can type it all down.
June 25th isn’t a day to mourn, it is a day to celebrate his life and the love he brought to this world!” ~LaurenMJlove
It tickles me to read and hear accounts of people’s encounters with Michael, and Samantha’s story is no exception.
Born January 18th, 1983 in Dublin, Ireland, Samantha Mumba is an Irish singer and actress. Her first album was released in 2000, and her last in 2010. She now focuses her career on acting, and has appeared in numerous Indie films.
Samantha shares her 2006 experience of meeting Michael Jackson in Dubai:
“Meeting Michael was like the closest thing I will ever get to meeting a saint. He had this amazing aura to him. He was very spiritual and magical, even mythical. I was just in awe of him. The guy doesn’t have a bad bone in his body. He was so kind and had this incredible way with him.
“I didn’t know what to expect to be honest because you read and hear so much about him. When I walked into the room he was the most humble, warm, friendly person you could ever wish to meet. He also had a hilarious sense of humour. He kept cracking these jokes that had me in fits of laughter. It was weird because I was thinking, ‘I’m standing in a room having a hoot with Michael Jackson. Nobody is ever going to believe this’.
“Everyone in the music business knows he has made history. But I can still see him making another great album. I would love to see him perform. He’s a perfectionist so that’s why it takes him so long to release material. But I’d definitely be going along to see him in concert if he did a gig in Ireland.”
Thanks to The Michael Jackson Repository for sharing this photo and quote.
Thanks to Michael Jackson fan “TheEternalMoonwalker” – You Tube Channel, Uploaded on May 16, 2010
“…it’s all about Michael Jackson’s passion for music, dance, film and art in general… Remember, It’s all for Love.”
Background music: Steve Jablonsky – Trailblazing
Thanks to Zenab for suggesting the great title. Much Love.
Michael’s words:
“Great music and great melodies are immortal. I don’t care… you know, fashion change, culture changes, customs change… great music is immortal. We still listen to Mozart today… any of the greats. Great music is like a great piece of sculpture or a great painting. It’s forever. You know, for generations upon generations to appreciate forever. And that’s… I know that’s a fact.”
“I don’t wanna be just another can in the assembly line, you know? I want to, you know… create. Do something that’s totally different and unusual.”
“That’s what drives me. It’s the medium, it’s the art. I love it. And that’s the world I’m most comfortable in.”
“You can’t teach that, you can’t teach it. It has to come from inside. It’s a gift.”
“I don’t know if it’s the psychology whatever or what. I just love working hard on something, putting it together, sweating over it and sharing it with people and having them love it. And I always pray that they like it. And that’s what give me great satisfaction as an artist.”
“I’ve always love to dance. When I was just real little I used to watch Sammy Davis, Fred Astaire, James Brown… and just dancing about the house.”
“I feel it and I see it. I’m visionary. So, if I can give that, I do. And that’s what I love to do with music, with film, with dance.”
“See the thing is, artists seem to get in the way of the music. Get out of the way of the music. You know… don’t write the music. Let the music write itself.”
“If I sat here and played some chords whatever and say ‘I’m gonna write the best song ever written’ nothing happens. Something in the heavens has to say ‘Look, this is the time, that this is gonna be laid on you and this is when I want you to have it.”
“It’s innovating it and pioneering it. Taking the medium to a new place.”
“I like to take sounds and put them on the microscope and just talk about the way you wanna manipulate the character of it.”
“It’s hard to say how one creates music, because it’s hard for me to take credit. I feel it’s more spiritual or heavenly.”
“When I create my music I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our God given talents.”
“It’s easy to mistake being innocent for being simpleminded or naive. We all want to seem sophisticated; we all want to seem street-smart. To be innocent is to be ‘out of it’. Yet there is a deep truth in innocence. A baby looks in his mother’s eyes, and all he sees is love. As innocence fades away, more complicated things take its place. We think we need to outwit others and scheme to get what we want. We begin to spend a lot of energy protecting ourselves. Then life turns into a struggle. People have no choice but to be street-smart. How else can they survive? When you get right down to it, survival means seeing things the way they really are and responding. It means being open. And that’s what innocence is. It’s simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one narrow point of view. If you are locked into a pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked. You miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be innocent again, and that freshness never fades.”
Devoted MJ fan, Liz Johnson, is in the process of writing a book. She is bi-lingual, and is writing simultaneously in English and Spanish. Her topics expound on the many facets of Michael. Liz gave me permission to post an excerpt from her rough manuscript.
Chapter II: Getting To Know Michael ~ Spiritual Michael
“Although Michael studied the Bible, and adored and loved Jesus, he ceased to be a religious being to become a spiritual person. Michael understood the fundamental laws of quantum physics, which say we are all interconnected in the Universe. Through many of his lyrics, Michael reminds us to see the magic of God in everything, and shows us that there is a form of energy that connects all of creation. Michael understood and conveyed to us that it is possible to direct this powerful energy with our thoughts and emotions. He used to say: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – “You become what you think.” Let me remind you that Michael was an avid reader. Through Dr. Wayne Dyer’s and Dr. Deepak Chopra’s books and the friendship they had, Michael learned about the metaphysical Laws of the Universe, SynchroDestiny and Spirituality.
Below are a few remarks about Michael, made by some modern day writers and teachers of spiritual topics, who maintained a personal friendship with, and held a special admiration and respect for Michael.
NELSON MANDELA: “When you are behind bars with no hope of release, you need to find strength wherever you can… Personally, I found strength in Michael Jackson.”
DEEPAK CHOPRA: “If you really understood Michael, he was the most innocent, loving, compassionate human being that you could imagine. He was too gentle for this world. The trial really traumatized him, and hurt him and made him even more frail than he was.”
WAYNE DYER: “This was a transcendent being who had not only enormous talent, but a heart as big as the sky.”
From the blog of Dr. Wayne Dyer on 7/10/09, two weeks after Michael tragic death:
Real Magic and Michael
“In 1992 when the time came to write a dedication for my book Real Magic, I decided to recognize three special people—my dear daughter Saje, my spiritual brother Deepak Chopra, and my friend pop superstar Michael Jackson. I wanted to recognize Michael “whose words, music, and love remind us that it is only through giving that we are saving our own lives.” Michael Jackson had a special relationship with the principles of Real Magic, the idea of “creating miracles in everyday life.” With his enormous musical talent, he created a body of work that brought joy to millions. My children and I spent five very happy days with him at Neverland in 1991. He wanted to talk to me about “real magic,” but the truth is, he already had the magic—the power he needed to dream and create and give. Michael was dedicated to ending world hunger and helped create the 1985 “We Are the World” celebrity sing-along that brought together some of the biggest names in popular music to raise funds for famine relief in Africa. I didn’t have to explain “real magic” to Michael because he was already a spiritual being, already kind, loving, and ready to use his musical gift to create miracles. Along with millions of people around the world, I say, thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing talent to lift our spirits. I’ll remember you as a beautiful human being with a heart as big as the sky.”
The sweet sensitivity that is clearly reflected in this moving video tribute to Michael and his precious Neverland home left me feeling raw, but at the same time hopeful. With a grieving heart, “I’ll try … to fly.” ♥
Created by a devoted MJ fan, this video depicts, in motion, the wonderful moments that countless children experienced and shared with Michael at his Neverland Valley Ranch in the San Ynez foothills of Santa Maria County, California.
The Dream of Pan
“An awfully big adventure, that’s how the Pan sees life and death. He flies joyously on to whatever comes next, knowing that it’s all a part of the journey. It takes courage to be adventurous. It takes trust that you can deal with whatever comes next. When things seem daunting, when the future looks terribly uncertain, borrow bravery from Pan. Remember his joyous flight and let yourself take that first step toward whatever awaits you. After all, it’s an awfully big adventure.” ~Niura Schwartz
Song “I’ll Try” by Jonata Brooke
Fan Comments on this moving Neverland/Pan tribute:
“Mystical and Magical – like Michael himself. His beautiful home was an extension of himself. Evidence of the Child in Michael’s heart is EVERYWHERE in his home.” ~SB
“He made this ranch into such a lovely magical home that he shared with so many children..he truly made it into “Neverland”…what an imagination he had..everything was so thought out..and those thoughts were turned into reality…a placed full of wonder and’s such a shame what “they” did do him..that he felt like he couldnt go back there anymore..Its beautiful but makes me so sad..he should of been able to live to be 100 and be happy in his Neverland.” ~LMB
“Such a beautiful mind to create such a magical place.” ~EF
“This makes me so sad how the evildoers broke down MJ and destroyed his magical kingdom.” ~SF
“This is so sad. Michael made this place absolutely beautiful and I am sure he put a lot of thought and effort into what he wanted it to be.(Just as he did with his music-he was a perfectionist) It was probably like an escape for him… from the cruel world. It was magical. He loved children so much that he wanted to share Neverland with them. Children are so carefree and that is what Michael didn’t have in his childhood. That is why Michael loved being around children. The music made me cry. The pictures were beautiful. It is so sad to know that Neverland is no longer and all of Michael’s dreams were broken. And all of this because of false allegations from a family who Michael was trying help but they were so greedy that they wanted more. It is because of them that Michael left Neverland never to return again.” ~DG
“It makes cry each and every time I think about Michael and his broken dreams. All of his life he wanted to be with children, his beloved Neverland, his passion. But, I believe his heart is still there forever, and that Michael’s soul flies free at Neverland.” ♥ ~NS
In true Neverland-Michael fashion, during the last days on the rehearsal stage for the upcoming This Is It concerts, our Music Pan and hero expressed his desire to offer escapism, magic and wonderful experiences to his audience. He instructed his dancers and musical team, “It’s an adventure. It’s a great adventure. We want to take them places that they’ve never been before. We want to show them talent like they’ve never seen before.” And lest we not forget, as Michael repeated during those last days, “It’s all for love, L.O.V.E.” ♥
A Facebook friend of mine found this narrative in 2009, just after Michael died, on an obscure out-of-date blog dated 2006,written before his death. The author spoke for Michael’s eternally devoted fans.
Michael Jackson Fans Are A Rare Breed
Michael Jackson fans are a strange breed. One would be hard pressed to find another fan community whose object of admiration is the subject of so much unnecessary condemnation. Over time, Michael Jackson enthusiasts have watched their beloved’s seemingly global idolization transform into apparent worldwide mischaracterization and mistreatment by the press and public alike. Yet, through it all, true Michael Jackson fans have abandoned him not. If anything, the harder Michael’s opponents try to shove him to the depths of despair, the harder his devotees love him, if only for summoning the courage to persist in the midst of it all. Michael’s continued endurance is an exercise in strength and resilience in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Michael’s fans have learned well the lesson, as they steadfastly brave the almost daily emotional roller coaster ride that is a requisite experience of every Jackson supporter. They marvel at his seemingly inexhaustible talents, and applaud his victories. They laugh with him in his happiness, weep with him in his sorrow and pray for him in troubled times. Their hearts are warmed when he is embraced, and bleed when he is ill-treated. Despite the stratospheric highs and seemingly cavernous lows that come with being a Michael Jackson fan, they remain loyal.
They, like Michael, refuse to allow naysayers to steal their joy, obstruct their way or shape their opinions. They, like Michael, refuse to have their destiny defined or dictated by another. They also refuse to stand idly by, as others attempt to deny Michael his rightfully earned legacy. Simply, Michael Jackson’s fans are just like Mike in that they will not be deterred.
By nature of their calling, Michael’s fans are constantly summoned to put on the full armor, stand on the front lines, and fight. Oftentimes with their pen as their sword, they fight alongside, and for Michael’s right of humanity. By so doing, they fight for tolerance over prejudice, unconditional love over criticism, wisdom over ignorance and justice over inequality – not only for Michael, but for themselves as well. The battles are never-ending, hard-fought and oftentimes mentally and physically exhausting. Still, rather than surrender or reconcile, Michael’s fans resist. They resist the desire to abandon Michael when all seems lost. They forsake the notion that theirs is a lost cause. They refuse to throw in the towel and resign themselves to the path of least resistance, which so often involves renouncing their fan support of Michael. When the going gets tough, with weary minds and heavy hearts, they press on. They press on through Michael’s tribulations and the attacks to which he is subjected. They press on in spite of tire. They press on despite mockery, and question as to why they bother to fight at all for Michael Jackson, a man some deem undeserving of their adoration.
Hazrat Inayat Khan once said, “God breaks the heart again and again until it stays open.” Michael’s devotees can see him as living proof of this idea, as he seems to be the embodiment of the notion. His own heart has been broken much, and his fans personally feel the sting of each break. By the grace of God, Michael’s heart does not become hardened as a result of its frequent fractures. To the contrary, his shattered heart allows for its tenderness and openness. Since out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, Michael’s fans are able to truly see the fullness of his heart when they listen to him articulate his desire for acceptance, understanding, positivity, love and peace through song and speech.
As their efforts to break Jackson have continually proven unsuccessful, some Michael Jackson opponents have turned their focus to attempting to disband the fan community by attacking his defenders. Time after time, the press uses condescending, defamatory terms to describe Michael’s fans. Being referred to as “delusional” and “*****” is not foreign to Jackson’s supporters. However, Michael’s devotees choose to ignore the juvenile name-calling and taglines bestowed on them by the media. The fans refuse to allow the press to project its negative, inaccurate perception onto them. This is because Michael Jackson fans realize that such inflammatory terms do not depict their true nature as intelligent, grounded individuals with a healthy admiration for Michael’s music, vision and humanitarianism among other things.
Interestingly enough, Michael Jackson’s influence is global and thus, so is his fan base. His detractors are under the false impression that his fan base is minuscule as well as one-dimensional. To the contrary, Michael Jackson enthusiasts are nothing if not vast and multi-dimensional. They can be found on every continent, in every country worldwide. Michael’s fans transcend racial, age and socioeconomic boundaries. The fact that Michael’s fans are so diverse adds to their beauty. Few entertainers, if any, can lay claim to having the type of dynamic and varied fan base of which Michael Jackson can boast.
If it is true that our lives are open books for others to read, then the fans’ study of Michael Jackson has taught them more than they ever could have imagined about life, love and survival. Michael Jackson is a living testament of the notion that whatever one dreams and desires for his or her life can be achieved. Michael lives by the mantra that love should have no limitations – no conditions. Michael has shown all who dare take notice, that it is possible to not only stay alive, but to thrive, with grace and fortitude despite adversity. By merely existing, Michael Jackson has taught his fans what it is to dream without fear, to create without boundaries, to listen without prejudice and to love without judgment. Simply, Michael Jackson’s fans are a hard act to outshine.
Their loyalty, enthusiasm, intelligence and genuine adoration of their musical idol is unparalleled by other artists’ fan communities. However, for all their attributes, when it comes to one particular matter, Michael Jackson’s admiring fans, will always be bested. For try as they might, no matter to what infinite degree they say and believe they love Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, in true regal fashion, will always say and prove he loves them more …
~Written by “Fantam” in 2006; punctuation edited by Michael Jackson Remembered administrator.
The video tribute below was lovingly created by my Facebook friend, Michelle Hairston, who is a longtime and deeply devoted fan of Michael’s.
Michael considered his fans, “ambassadors of love.” The following comments offer valuable insight into the inner heart sanctum of inspired MJ lovers, and a glimpse into the minds of this “rare breed.” These sincere and highly personal reflections are expressed by some of Michael’s most fiercely loyal and dedicated fans, in response to this video.
Oh, this is so beautiful. The song is perfect especially with reference to the footprints in the sand. There will always be a deep connection with Michael. That is why we can never say goodbye because we still feel his presence around us. We have felt his joy, pain and sorrow, but of all we have felt his unconditional love for us. He truly did love us more. ~HW
“I’ve always said that when I see him in pain, I feel it as if it’s my own, right into my very own soul. I think that’s what makes our connection to him so special; we get him in every sense, we understand him, and also have unconditional love and compassion for him. When he hurts, we hurt. When he smiles, we smile. He’s with us always. I feel him at times more than others, like I said it can be strong or real subtle, but he is. I also like to think he gravitates to our love, and feels it so strong. I have to admit that I have two confidants that are unseen to our eyes, God and Michael. They are always there when I need them, and are timeless for eternity.♥” ~MMBH
“I always turn to Michael for comfort when I need it, and even though he’s not here in that physical sense, I feel his love around me. He helps me get through the worst days. That’s the beauty of loving him. I don’t have this deep connection with anyone else. I honestly do feel like I know him personaly. I feel his emotions when I look in his eyes, and when I hear that sweet soothing loving voice. I have so many moments where I feel like I’ve stepped inside his body and soul, and his heart is mine for awhile. I know I’m not the only one that feels this. He IS here with us, when we need him most ♥” ~MC
“I am feeling so many emotions right now…pain, sorrow, joy, love….most of all love ♥♥♥ I feel breathless from the beauty of Michael, and feel very humble right now. I am truly blessed to have lived when he walked this Earth and blessed that he still finds the most amazing ways to be here with us. Each and every day I feel his presence. Sometimes it can be in a small way, like a song on the radio. Then other days it will be something amazing and I am euphoric. A love that resonates so deep within my soul that I don’t have the words to express how I feel. Thank you Michael, always, for being the most incredible gifted man, with the heart of an angel. I love you, really love you with all that I have ♥♥♥” ~JIJ
“Every time I see the part at the end from This is It I cry. I miss you, Michael, so much. There are not enough words to express how much I love you, Sweetheart ♥ ♥ I love this video, Michelle. You have captured Michael perfectly, his loving heart and tender soul. Thank you for sharing this with us!!” ~JF
Two Birds ~by Michael Jackson, 1992, Dancing the Dream
“It’s hard to tell them what I feel for you. They haven’t ever met you, and no one has your picture. So how can they ever understand your mystery? Let’s give them a clue:
Two birds sit in a tree. One eats cherries, while the other looks on. Two birds fly through the air. One’s song drops like crystal from the sky while the other keeps silent. Two birds wheel in the sun. One catches the light on its silver feathers, while the other spreads wings of invisibility.
It’s easy to guess which bird I am, but they’ll never find you. Unless…
Unless they already know a love that never interferes, that watches from beyond, that breathes free in the invisible air. Sweet bird, my soul, your silence is so precious. How long will it be before the world hears your song in mine?
Oh, that is a day I hunger for!”
In light of Michael’s musings, I find it inspiring to reflect upon two particular sutras found in the Upanishads. The Upanishads is a compilation of philosophical stories which serve to elucidate the spiritual meanings of ancient Vedic scripture. A sutra is loosely defined as a type of literary composition in Buddhism and Hinduism.
Below are two famous sutras from the Upanishads:
There are two birds sitting on the tree of the body. One of them is trying to eat the fruits of the tree, and the other is just watching. The first bird is suffering, but when he turns his attention to the other bird, he will be freed from this unhappiness.
[Mundaka Upanishad 3.1]
The individual soul and the Supreme Soul are like two friendly birds sitting on the same tree. One of the birds is eating the fruit of the tree and the other bird is not trying to eat these fruits, but is simply watching His friend. Although the two birds are on the same tree, the eating bird is fully engrossed with anxiety as the enjoyer of the fruits of the tree. But if in some way or other he turns his attention to his friend who is the Lord and knows His glories, at once the suffering bird becomes free from all anxieties.
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4.6-7]
Michael Jackson was a lover of knowledge and a seeker of Truth. He sincerely sought to live rightly, and to live LOVE.
I like to call Two Birds “a Michael sutra.” Two Birds elucidates the spiritual longing of the soul.
“Sweet bird, my soul, your silence is so precious. How long will it be before the world hears your song in mine?”
Lest there be no confusion: bird print is mine, story is Michael’s ♥