Archive for April, 2011

Epitome of Artistry

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

Thanks to Michael Jackson fan “TheEternalMoonwalker” – You Tube Channel,  Uploaded on May 16, 2010

“…it’s all about Michael Jackson’s passion for music, dance, film and art in general… Remember, It’s all for Love.”

Background music: Steve Jablonsky – Trailblazing
Thanks to Zenab for suggesting the great title. Much Love.

Michael’s words:

“Great music and great melodies are immortal. I don’t care… you know, fashion change, culture changes, customs change… great music is immortal. We still listen to Mozart today… any of the greats. Great music is like a great piece of sculpture or a great painting. It’s forever. You know, for generations upon generations to appreciate forever. And that’s… I know that’s a fact.”

“I don’t wanna be just another can in the assembly line, you know? I want to, you know… create. Do something that’s totally different and unusual.”

“That’s what drives me. It’s the medium, it’s the art. I love it. And that’s the world I’m most comfortable in.”

“You can’t teach that, you can’t teach it. It has to come from inside. It’s a gift.”

“I don’t know if it’s the psychology whatever or what. I just love working hard on something, putting it together, sweating over it and sharing it with people and having them love it. And I always pray that they like it. And that’s what give me great satisfaction as an artist.”

“I’ve always love to dance. When I was just real little I used to watch Sammy Davis, Fred Astaire, James Brown… and just dancing about the house.”

“I feel it and I see it. I’m visionary. So, if I can give that, I do. And that’s what I love to do with music, with film, with dance.”

“See the thing is, artists seem to get in the way of the music. Get out of the way of the music. You know… don’t write the music. Let the music write itself.”

“If I sat here and played some chords whatever and say ‘I’m gonna write the best song ever written’ nothing happens. Something in the heavens has to say ‘Look, this is the time, that this is gonna be laid on you and this is when I want you to have it.”

“It’s innovating it and pioneering it. Taking the medium to a new place.”

“I like to take sounds and put them on the microscope and just talk about the way you wanna manipulate the character of it.”

“It’s hard to say how one creates music, because it’s hard for me to take credit. I feel it’s more spiritual or heavenly.”

“When I create my music I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our God given talents.”


Sunday, April 3rd, 2011
“It’s easy to mistake being innocent for being simpleminded or naive. We all want to seem sophisticated; we all want to seem street-smart. To be innocent is to be ‘out of it’.

Yet there is a deep truth in innocence. A baby looks in his mother’s eyes, and all he sees is love. As innocence fades away, more complicated things take its place. We think we need to outwit others and scheme to get what we want. We begin to spend a lot of energy protecting ourselves. Then life turns into a struggle. People have no choice but to be street-smart. How else can they survive?

When you get right down to it, survival means seeing things the way they really are and responding. It means being open. And that’s what innocence is. It’s simple and trusting like a child, not judgmental and committed to one narrow point of view. If you are locked into a pattern of thinking and responding, your creativity gets blocked. You miss the freshness and magic of the moment. Learn to be innocent again, and that freshness never fades.”

~from DANCING THE DREAM, 1992 by Michael Jackson

Spiritual and Magic Michael

Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

Devoted MJ fan, Liz Johnson, is in the process of writing a book. She is bi-lingual, and is writing simultaneously in English and Spanish. Her topics expound on the many facets of Michael. Liz gave me permission to post an excerpt from her rough manuscript.

Chapter II: Getting To Know Michael ~ Spiritual Michael

“Although Michael studied the Bible, and adored and loved Jesus, he ceased to be a religious being to become a spiritual person. Michael understood the fundamental laws of quantum physics, which say we are all interconnected in the Universe. Through many of his lyrics, Michael reminds us to see the magic of God in everything, and shows us that there is a form of energy that connects all of creation. Michael understood and conveyed to us that it is possible to direct this powerful energy with our thoughts and emotions. He used to say: “If you can dream it, you can do it.” – “You become what you think.” Let me remind you that Michael was an avid reader. Through Dr. Wayne Dyer’s and Dr. Deepak Chopra’s books and the friendship they had, Michael learned about the metaphysical Laws of the Universe, SynchroDestiny and Spirituality.

Michael had a holistic approach to human beings. He understood the human being is a whole, encompassing body, mind, emotions and spirit or soul. In the Bible, the Apostle Paul acknowledges the whole person as spirit, soul, and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Michael understood the psycho-spirituality, and more, the bio-psycho-spirituality in Holistic humans. The word “holistic” comes from the Greek “holos” which means Union, Whole. The human species is divided into races, nations, political ideas, social classes and religions. Holism emphasizes the need that every individual must make an inner change to achieve a global transformation. Michael knew this, and above all, he knew that the ultimate healing energy is Love.” © 2011 Liz Johnson

Below are a few remarks about Michael, made by some modern day writers and teachers of spiritual topics, who maintained a personal friendship with, and held a special admiration and respect for Michael.

NELSON MANDELA: “When you are behind bars with no hope of release, you need to find strength wherever you can… Personally, I found strength in Michael Jackson.”

DEEPAK CHOPRA: “If you really understood Michael, he was the most innocent, loving, compassionate human being that you could imagine. He was too gentle for this world. The trial really traumatized him, and hurt him and made him even more frail than he was.”

WAYNE DYER: “This was a transcendent being who had not only enormous talent, but a heart as big as the sky.”

From the blog of Dr. Wayne Dyer on 7/10/09, two weeks after Michael tragic death:

Real Magic and Michael
“In 1992 when the time came to write a dedication for my book Real Magic, I decided to recognize three special people—my dear daughter Saje, my spiritual brother Deepak Chopra, and my friend pop superstar Michael Jackson. I wanted to recognize Michael “whose words, music, and love remind us that it is only through giving that we are saving our own lives.” Michael Jackson had a special relationship with the principles of Real Magic, the idea of “creating miracles in everyday life.”  With his enormous musical talent, he created a body of work that brought joy to millions. My children and I spent five very happy days with him at Neverland in 1991. He wanted to talk to me about “real magic,” but the truth is, he already had the magic—the power he needed to dream and create and give. Michael was dedicated to ending world hunger and helped create the 1985 “We Are the World” celebrity sing-along that brought together some of the biggest names in popular music to raise funds for famine relief in Africa. I didn’t have to explain “real magic” to Michael because he was already a spiritual being, already kind, loving, and ready to use his musical gift to create miracles. Along with millions of people around the world, I say, thank you, Michael, for sharing your amazing talent to lift our spirits. I’ll remember you as a beautiful human being with a heart as big as the sky.”